Vivewell's winter catalog showcases cutting-edge period tracking technologies that embrace the corporate motto, Live smart, live well.
We created a set of speculative designs exploring the future of menstrual biosensing technologies at home and in the workplace. These speculative designs prompt reflection on current issues with menstrual tracking, such as stereotypical gender roles and expansive data surveillance. We present these speculative designs as a product catalog for fictional company Vivewell, in order to situate the designs in a broader landscape of corporate data narratives.
Our zine is available here.
We also contribute a pictorial documenting our process. We explored how emergent menstrual biosensing technologies compound existing concerns for the everyday ethics of extracting and analyzing intimate data. Specifically, we review the data practices of a set of existing menstrual applications and use that analysis to inform the design of speculative near future technologies. We present these technologies here in the form of a product catalog for a fictional company called Vivewell. Through this work, we contribute both a set of speculative design proposals and a case study of a design project that begins with the analysis of existing data policies.
Vivewell: Speculating Near-Future Menstrual Tracking through Current Data Practices. 2019. Sarah Fox, Noura Howell, Richmond Wong, Franchesca Spektor. Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference. pdf
This project is a collaboration with Sarah Fox, Richmond Wong, and Franky Spektor. Sarah and Richmond led the app data policy reviews. Franky led the graphic design and illustration of the zine. We all contributed to the speculative designs.
2018 - present